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Galaxy Ghost Discovered Not Far From Bima Sakti

Not far from our galaxy, there is a "ghost galaxy" that almost all of its constituents are dark matter, mysterious materials in the universe that never really look.

Scientists named the galaxy Dragonfly 44. Despite its proximity, Dragonfly 44 is so dark that this galaxy has escaped scientists' observations for decades. At least until last year, when scientists first saw it in the galaxy clusters Coma, about 330 light years from the Milky Way. 

"Immediately after the discovery, we realized that this galaxy has something more than the visible. This galaxy has a few stars that will be torn apart quickly unless something holds them back, "said astronomer Pieter van Dokkum of Yale University and lead author of a study published in Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Dragonfly 44 galaxy is located in ... Galafly galaxy 44 is in the Coma cluster, about 330 light-years away from the Milky Way. (Pieter van Dokkum / Yale University & Roberto Abraham / University of Toronto)
Meanwhile, another study author, Roberto Abraham of the University of Toronto added, "The stars at Dragonfly 44 move at much greater speeds for the dimensions of a dim galaxy. This means that Dragonfly 44 has a large number of invisible masses. "

Further obeservation revealed that although the galaxy's mass of Dragonfly 44 is almost equivalent to the Milky Way, but only 0.01 percent of its mass consists of normal matter, such as stars, dust and gas. While the remaining 99.99 percent is dark matter.

Dragonfly Galaxy 44. Drawing ... Galafly Galaxy 44. The left-hand picture was taken by Sloan Digital Sky Survey, only seen as a dim stain. The right image is taken using the Gemini space telescope, revealing a large and elongated object. For the size of its mass, Dragonfly 44 galaxy classified as dim, because almost all constituents in the form of dark matter. (Pieter van Dokkum / Yale University & Roberto Abraham / University of Toronto)
Dark matter may be the greatest mystery in the universe. Scientists know of its existence, but they have never actually seen it.

Thus, at least the discovery of this "ghost galaxy" might help scientists uncover more mysteries of dark matter in the universe.

Source: (www.independent.co.ukwww.seeker.com, www.webtips.ml)
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